Authors' Guide

The authors are requested to pay attention to the following points when submitting articles:
a) General rules:
1- The Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development reserves the right to reject or accept articles and to edit them. The editorial board can make corrections (with the author’s approval). Articles not complying with the journal’s editorial guidelines will be returned to the authors and not reviewed.
2- The research article (Original article) must be the result of the author’s research.
3- The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the article’s contents.
4- The submitted article must not have been published in another journal or submitted to other journals simultaneously.
5- The title of the article, the author’s first and last names, their academic rank and place of employment, as well as the address, telephone or fax number of the workplace (or mobile phone), and the e-mail address of the author responsible for the article must be mentioned on the first page of the article to expedite subsequent correspondence.
6- The authors' details should be listed in the following order: academic rank of the author/group/faculty/university/city, and only the corresponding author's email address should be mentioned. For example: ٭Corresponding author:
7- Articles are only received online through the system.

B) Articles preparation:
1- Articles must be prepared and submitted using the 2013 or 2016 version of the Word software.
2- The language of the article must be Persian and the mention of foreign terms which have precise and expressive equivalents in Persian should be avoided (if necessary, English equivalents should be provided in the footnote).
3- The article should be set up on A4 paper (using single line spacing with 2.5 cm margins on all sides) under Word software, font "B Lotus size 11" for Persian text and "Times New Roman size 10" for English text.
4- The submitted article should be a maximum of 15 pages (including all sections of the article) and include a title, a Persian abstract (200 to 250 words), and an English abstract (not less than 500 words and not more than one page), keywords in Persian and English (up to 5 words and English words starting with capital letters), introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusions and references. The abstract should be a concise and eloquent collection of the article, clearly outlining the problem, procedures, and final results. The introduction should present the problem and state the objectives, citing the research conducted and highlighting the need for this research. In the Materials and Methods section, the materials and equipment used (including the manufacturer and model of the devices), the research method, and the method of statistical data processing will be presented, without referring to the results. In the results and discussion section, all quantitative or qualitative results obtained are expressed in tables, curves, diagrams, or images along with their necessary explanations as well as the relevant analysis and comparison with the findings of other research. In the conclusion, the researcher summarizes the main achievements of the study and, if necessary, presents various suggestions and recommendations.
5- All figures (diagrams, photos, maps, etc.) should be included under the title "Figure" in the text of the article.
6- For multi-part figures, each part should be marked with the letters of the alphabet (الف, ب, پ, ... or a, b, c, ...).
7- Scientific names (genus and species) should be typed in italics in the text of the article.
8- The number and title of the tables should be placed above them and the number and title of the figures below them.
9- Tables should be drawn only with the "Table" tool of the Word software.
10- The figures and their explanations must be understandable without reading the article.
11- The figures in the article must be clear and of high quality (at least 300 dpi). Also, color figures must be prepared in such a way that after printing in black and white, their quality is not distorted and they are understandable.
12- All figures (charts, photos, maps, etc.) must be placed in the article's main text and approximate location.
13- If necessary, gratitude to individuals and institutions should be given before the references part under the title of "Acknowledgment".
14- References can include books, scientific journal papers, registered patents, conference papers, theses, technical reports, training workshops, reputable websites, and other sources that can be cited. References to unpublished reports, unaccepted articles, and other sources that cannot be cited should be avoided.
15- To cite references, use the author's last name and the publication year in parentheses. For two authors, list (both) last names separated by "and" followed by the year. For more than two authors, use the first author's last name followed by "et al." in italics and then the year.
 For example: (Mokhtarani, 2023); (Farley and Kelly, 2024); (Janson et al., 2022).
16- The references used in a scientific and research article should not exceed 35.
17- Authors should ensure that the references mentioned in the text are consistent with the reference list at the end of the article.
18- Click here to view the article writing format file.
19- Click here to view the reference writing guide.