Reference Style Guide

1- References should be listed in Harvard format and in alphabetical order at the end of the article. If Persian sources are used, their specifications must be translated into English, with the phrase [In Persian] included in brackets at the end. Additionally, it is essential to include the unique DOI or DOR identifier as a link at the end of each reference.
2- In references with more than one author, the word "and" should be used before the last author's name.
3- In the case of a book, the name of the author(s), year of publication, the title of the book, publisher, place of publication, and the total number of pages should be given. For example:
  • West, P. W. Trees and forest management. Springer publications, 190p.
  • Binkley, D. and Fisher, R. F. 2013. Ecology and management of forest soil. John Wiley and Sons Publications, 363p.
4- In the case of a scientific journal paper, the author(s) name, year of publication, article title, journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers must be mentioned. For example:
  • Mohawesh, O. 2016.Utilizing deficit irrigation to enhance growth performance and water-use efficiency of eggplant in arid environments. Journal of Agriculture Sciences and Technology, 18 (2): 265-276
  • Farley, K. A. and Kelly, E. F. 2004. Effects of afforestation of Paramo grassland on soil nutrient status. Forest Ecology and Management, 195(3): 281-290.
  • Rostamabadi, A., Tabari, M. and Sayad, E. 2013. Influence of Alnus subcordataPopulus deltoides and Taxodium distichum on poor drainage soil, northern Iran. Ecopersia, 1 (3): 207-218.
5- If the reference is published by an institution or organization, the name of the institution, year of publication, publication title and place of publication, volume, issue, and page numbers must be mentioned. For example:
  • FAO. 2009. Forestry Statistics Yearbook. Catches and Landings. FAO, Rome, 74 (63): 1759-1764.
6- For references that are chapters of a book with separate author(s) (such as conference papers), the name of the author(s) of the section, publication year, article title, page number, name of the main author(s) of the book, name of the book, publisher, place of publication, and number of pages of the book should be mentioned. For example:
  • Khanna-Chopra, R. and Sinha, S. K. 1988. What limits the yield of pulses? Plant process of plant type. P68-278, In: Sinha, S. K., P. V. Sane, S. E. Bhargara and P. R. Agrawal (eds.), Proceeding of the international Congress of plant Physiology, Society for plant Physiology and Biochemistry, New Dehli, India, 680p.